1.   Most West European countries have embraced the concept of high-speed rail networks with enthusiasm.

2.   And after decades of martial law, the country has now embraced democratic politics with a boisterousness rivaled by few Asian nations.

3.   And with new-found wealth as the communist country embraces enterprise, the Chinese are exhibiting a growing hunger for Western technology.

4.   At the same time, mainstream country has embraced the strong story lines and independent sentiments at the heart of Carter and the Dixie Chicks, among others.

5.   But Western countries should not embrace him too closely.

6.   Despite all the criticism, other countries are embracing the practice.

7.   Many African countries embrace it because they see it as all or nothing.

8.   Never before has a host country embraced this quadrennial kickball convention with so much giddy fervor.

9.   Now a once decent country is embracing the ugliest aspects of capitalism.

10.   Other countries have embraced loyalty cards to varying degrees, depending on the state of competition among food retailers.

n. + embrace >>共 504
company 2.62%
people 2.55%
fan 2.40%
leader 2.18%
government 2.04%
two 1.89%
weather 1.82%
man 1.75%
investor 1.75%
woman 1.60%
country 1.31%
country + v. >>共 779
be 15.39%
have 8.13%
need 2.14%
agree 1.94%
face 1.40%
sign 1.37%
want 1.23%
take 1.17%
say 1.13%
make 1.04%
embrace 0.07%
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