1.   They are divided by country, and the schools are hung chronologically.

2.   As if afflicted by a sudden virus, the whole country divided itself into two exact halves.

3.   In December, the U.S. proposed a new formula in which the two countries would divide salmon runs based on their abundance.

4.   Most European countries divide their power between a central government and regional assemblies, much as the United States has a federal government and individual state governments.

5.   The major troop-contributing countries would divide the responsibility for enforcing the peace plan.

6.   The post-communist countries divide quite neatly, for example, between those where public lavatories are revolting and those where they are generally hygienic.

7.   An NBC poll showed the country divided.

8.   Architecture and design are divided by country.

9.   During a conversation with the Italian minister of foreign affairs, Pasic suggested that their two countries divide Albania between each other.

10.   But doubts still remain on how the African countries will divide in the split over Benin and Guinea, a factor which will be the key to the outcome.

n. + divide >>共 498
issue 7.42%
cell 5.40%
remains 4.47%
war 1.77%
accord 1.60%
plan 1.43%
line 1.35%
debate 1.35%
question 1.26%
agreement 1.18%
country 0.84%
country + v. >>共 779
be 15.39%
have 8.13%
need 2.14%
agree 1.94%
face 1.40%
sign 1.37%
want 1.23%
take 1.17%
say 1.13%
make 1.04%
divide 0.04%
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