1.   Some countries conduct all foreign trade through state corporations which assess needs according to their current economic development programmes.

2.   The country should conduct direct negotiations with its neighbours.

3.   Both countries have conducted nuclear tests, and each is trying to get the Bush administration to put pressure on the other.

4.   Britain, Norway and India actually built wave machines, and other countries conducted experiments.

5.   But failing to OK the document would deprive the United States of moral authority to complain if other countries conduct nuclear testing.

6.   Clinton, as required under the U.S. Arms Export Control Act, has imposed broad sanctions against India and Pakistan because those countries conducted underground nuclear tests last month.

7.   For the Republicans, a Vietnam veteran spoke of the importance of proceeding with impeachment even as the country conducted airstrikes in Iraq.

8.   One, of course, is that it eases fears over American arrogance and imperialism by trusting host countries to conduct internal investigations.

9.   The fight against transnational terrorism cannot be conducted by countries on an individual basis.

10.   Other Pakistani officials denied that a decision had been reached on whether the country would conduct its own tests.

n. + conduct >>共 656
police 5.18%
company 4.44%
government 3.19%
official 3.10%
authority 2.79%
troop 2.51%
agency 2.42%
researcher 2.21%
force 2.15%
team 1.78%
country 1.75%
country + v. >>共 779
be 15.39%
have 8.13%
need 2.14%
agree 1.94%
face 1.40%
sign 1.37%
want 1.23%
take 1.17%
say 1.13%
make 1.04%
conduct 0.21%
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