1.   Both countries committed themselves not to attack or invade the other, and to resolve disputes through a process of dialogue.

2.   Under the terms of the agreement both countries committed themselves not to test, manufacture, produce, accept, possess, store, deploy or use nuclear weapons.

3.   But many deals have fallen apart in South Korea since the country committed itself to eliminating barriers to foreign investment, which it needs to repair its economy.

4.   He argued that the country must commit the resources to do the job.

5.   If the Canadians had lost this one, the whole country might have committed mass suicide.

6.   It was based, according to the report, on how exporting countries commit bribery in order to close a deal.

7.   No country has committed itself to buying it, and the U.K. government has irked the partners by placing orders for the rival Lockheed plane.

8.   What the protectionists fail to understand, however, is that the countries most committed to free trade invariably achieve higher living standards than their more protectionist trading partners.

9.   Energy companies are calling for more research and more proof before countries commit to radical reduction in greenhouse gas emissions.

10.   Energy companies are calling for more research and more proof before countries commit to radical reduction in gas emissions that heat up the atmosphere.

n. + commit >>共 571
remains 6.36%
man 3.05%
government 3.01%
soldier 2.41%
people 2.32%
force 2.15%
company 2.10%
troop 1.98%
agreement 1.72%
side 1.50%
country 1.07%
country + v. >>共 779
be 15.39%
have 8.13%
need 2.14%
agree 1.94%
face 1.40%
sign 1.37%
want 1.23%
take 1.17%
say 1.13%
make 1.04%
commit 0.09%
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