1.   A. Yes, countersinking all nails is necessary to prevent any protruding nails from tearing apart the sanding paper and perhaps the sanding machine.

2.   Countersink the nails and fill the holes with wood filler, sand and finish.

3.   Countersink the nails and fill when with wood putty.

4.   Even countersinking the nails and filling them with putty may not work for very long.

5.   I thought of fixing the problem by countersinking the nails and filling them with putty, or sanding each nail head and applying a dab of sealer before repainting.

6.   The easiest way is to countersink the nails so they lose their grip.

7.   There are cures, such as countersinking the nails and filling the holes with putty.

8.   They pull up this sliver, drive and countersink the nail, and glue the sliver back in place.

9.   When I asked a man to sand it off, he said he would but I had to countersink all nails on the deck.

10.   You can stop there, and use a nail set to countersink the nail.

v. + nail >>共 179
drive 9.01%
bite 8.57%
use 5.17%
do 4.43%
hammer 3.99%
paint 2.81%
have 2.66%
pull 2.66%
hit 2.66%
cut 2.51%
countersink 1.48%
countersink + n. >>共 8
nail 50.00%
head 15.00%
hole 10.00%
brad 5.00%
fastener 5.00%
rod 5.00%
screw 5.00%
shaft 5.00%
每页显示:    共 10