1.   China has threatened counter sanctions, reportedly targeting such big American interests as Boeing Co. and General Motors Corp.

2.   China says it will respond with counter sanctions.

3.   China has said it was prepared to slap the United States with counter sanctions.

4.   China has threatened counter sanctions.

5.   Should that happen, the United States has warned it could retaliate with counter sanctions.

6.   Should that happen, the United States warned it could retaliate with counter sanctions.

7.   Beijing responded to the US move by announcing counter sanctions to take effect the same day.

8.   Beijing has announced counter sanctions to take effect the same day.

9.   China quickly retaliated with a list of counter sanctions.

10.   China has promised to respond with counter sanctions.

a. + sanction >>共 487
economic 31.20%
international 10.61%
new 4.22%
possible 2.68%
crippling 2.62%
further 1.76%
unilateral 1.69%
tougher 1.69%
imposing 1.68%
lifting 1.54%
counter 0.15%
counter + n. >>共 165
top 16.46%
attack 10.60%
measure 3.96%
offer 3.64%
space 3.48%
demonstration 2.69%
proposal 2.53%
bid 2.37%
offensive 2.37%
claim 2.22%
sanction 1.58%
每页显示:    共 10