1.   Copies of all the counter proposals and representations were then placed on local deposit in council offices and a further period allowed for representations to be made about them.

2.   In a counter proposal, government asks Judge Walter S. Smith Jr. to concentrate on determining what gunshots look like on a FLIR tape.

3.   In the meetings Wednesday between Ivanov and the administration, the Russians offered two counter proposals, administration officials said.

4.   Schieffer did not rule out the possibility of a counter proposal from the Rangers, although Moorad does not expect to receive one.

5.   White House officials said nothing about a counter proposal.

6.   Cathay Pacific officials said they would not return to the table until the pilots offer a better counter proposal.

7.   Cathay said a counter proposal offered by pilots was not acceptable, and said it would not reopen talks unless the pilots offer a better proposal.

8.   Counter proposals or alternatives could be discussed.

9.   His counter proposal outlines Indian rights within the context of existing local, state and federal law.

10.   His message was received warmly by a key Democrat pushing the counter proposal.

a. + proposal >>共 1047
new 12.52%
republican 3.30%
similar 3.28%
specific 2.61%
latest 2.51%
french 1.88%
legislative 1.87%
such 1.82%
concrete 1.77%
israeli 1.73%
counter 0.20%
counter + n. >>共 165
top 16.46%
attack 10.60%
measure 3.96%
offer 3.64%
space 3.48%
demonstration 2.69%
proposal 2.53%
bid 2.37%
offensive 2.37%
claim 2.22%
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