1.   For Apple, countering the perception that there was little difference between Macintosh and Windows was a difficult task.

2.   And, by making aggressive use of his power, he will try to counter the perception of himself as a lame duck.

3.   Another spot seeks to counter American perceptions that the Saudis have done little to help in the anti-terror campaign.

4.   Biotechnology company executives said the new treaty could actually help the industry by countering a perception that biotechnology is not adequately regulated.

5.   Bush has countered the perception of weakness by dedicating more campaign time to foreign policy than anyone else in the race.

6.   Commission finance officials said they have become increasingly aware of the need to counter the perception that the creation of a common EU currency is bad for jobs.

7.   Democratic leaders, in a show of unity, rally around Gore and try to counter any perception that Bush is now the presumptive president.

8.   Doing so also would counter the perception that he lacks principles and is too eager to yield to his critics.

9.   In so doing, he also countered perceptions of being a spot-up shooter who prefers the perimeter.

10.   It is apparently designed to counter negative perceptions about wieners.

v. + perception >>共 237
change 14.98%
reinforce 5.99%
alter 4.33%
create 3.88%
counter 2.55%
overcome 2.33%
have 2.33%
fight 2.00%
affect 2.00%
fuel 2.00%
counter + n. >>共 532
threat 4.98%
terrorism 3.91%
criticism 3.91%
effect 3.40%
attack 3.17%
claim 2.21%
argument 1.59%
gain 1.47%
charge 1.47%
move 1.36%
perception 1.30%
每页显示:    共 23