1.   Now there was something to make a couch spud sit up and feel positively tubular.

2.   No TV show urges couch spuds to turn off the tube and go read a paper.

3.   We care more about couch spuds.

4.   When the children are permitted to sprout into couch spuds on weekends, Lynnsey gravitates toward MTV, HBO and Cinemax, while Alex likes his Nickelodeon.

n. + spud >>共 5
couch 50.00%
gas 12.50%
jacket 12.50%
sofa 12.50%
thistle 12.50%
couch + n. >>共 31
cushion 29.41%
time 10.29%
pillow 8.82%
painting 7.35%
spud 5.88%
ad 1.47%
adventurer 1.47%
arm 1.47%
artist 1.47%
banana 1.47%
每页显示:    共 4