1.   And he added that having a garrison nearby would help him reform the Macau police force, which has been plagued by corruption.

2.   But corruption also plagues the U.S. side.

3.   Corruption plagues many of the countries.

4.   Corruption also plagues Brazilian soccer, as a scandal this week illustrated.

5.   Successive governments in Pakistan, plagued by corruption, have had trouble meeting economic and financial goals set by the IMF.

6.   The relocation program has also been plagued by corruption, with reports of embezzlement, theft and diversion of funds intended for resettled families.

7.   The three new nations on the shores of the Caspian Sea are ruled by despots, torn by ethnic rivalries, plagued by corruption and surrounded by unruly neighbors.

8.   Too many community boards have been plagued by corruption.

9.   Aleman said the supreme court is corruption-free, but that corruption plagues many lower courts and judges.

10.   Almazov recently conceded that the tax police department was plagued by corruption.

n. + plague >>共 296
injury 10.69%
problem 9.78%
violence 3.63%
delay 2.42%
scandal 2.22%
corruption 2.02%
weather 1.71%
allegation 1.51%
crime 1.31%
kidnapping 1.21%
corruption + v. >>共 185
be 46.50%
become 3.96%
exist 2.23%
remain 2.13%
plague 2.03%
continue 1.83%
undermine 1.73%
taint 1.73%
run 1.52%
flourish 1.42%
每页显示:    共 20