1.   Many species have a finely folded Margin, crumpled like corrugated cardboard.

2.   The simplest substitute is corrugated cardboard.

3.   Corrugated earth, the nomes called it, after the corrugated cardboard you sometimes got in the Packing Department in the Store.

4.   A tattered piece of corrugated cardboard serves as a book cover for a young Iraqi student.

5.   Corrugated cardboard fetches even more.

6.   Corrugated cardboard is an offbeat but practical choice.

7.   First cut a piece of corrugated cardboard to fit in your frame.

8.   Ralph uses a special botanical blotting paper layered between corrugated cardboard and newsprint as well as a special plant press.

9.   The container, made of triple-thickness high-strength corrugated cardboard, is disposable.

10.   These gains helped to offset rising costs of raw materials such as cocoa, and of packaging such as corrugated cardboard.

a. + cardboard >>共 45
corrugated 20.55%
wet 5.48%
blackened 4.11%
old 4.11%
brown 2.74%
folded 2.74%
laminated 2.74%
heavy 2.74%
heroin-soaked 2.74%
used 2.74%
corrugated + n. >>共 62
roof 14.23%
box 11.72%
metal 8.37%
steel 6.69%
cardboard 6.28%
tin 4.60%
carton 4.18%
aluminum 3.35%
container 2.93%
wall 2.09%
每页显示:    共 15