1.   The probes used for Southern analysis of this DNA are described in the corresponding figure legends.

2.   Restriction fragments used as probes are described in the corresponding figure legends.

3.   If we look at the corresponding figures for murders, there is no sign of any change due to X.

4.   This is an example of an artefact due to change in instrumentation.

5.   In contrast, it added, the corresponding American figure is only a half percent.

6.   In comparison, the corresponding figure for Poland is five percent, and for the Czech Republic, four percent, according to European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

7.   Once again, he looks for the corresponding figure, but this time he refers to the savings factor column on the right.

a. + figure >>共 1040
sales 4.24%
political 3.90%
double 2.98%
key 2.96%
official 2.53%
leading 1.94%
new 1.89%
exact 1.72%
prominent 1.66%
senior 1.58%
corresponding 0.04%
corresponding + n. >>共 344
increase 5.78%
period 5.00%
rise 3.44%
amount 1.56%
gene 1.41%
cut 1.41%
figure 1.09%
change 1.09%
number 1.09%
reduction 1.09%
每页显示:    共 7