1.   He said the ship was carrying food, but an AFP correspondent saw Turkish cigarettes being unloaded at the dock.

2.   Hundreds of riot police supported by armed troops crushed a sit-down demonstration by Burmese students at a busy Rangoon intersection early Saturday, a correspondent saw.

3.   In Aden an AFP correspondent saw looters pillaging public buildings in the northern suburbs Wednesday.

4.   In the town AFP correspondents saw a stream of cars, buses and trucks taking its women, children and old people to safety.

5.   AFP correspondents saw some families leaving the town Sunday, carrying their belongings in cloth sacks.

6.   AFP correspondents saw two cars blazing furiously near offices of the Liberia Broadcasting System in the centre of the city.

7.   An AFP correspondent also saw four tanks and nine armored personnel carriers withdraw from the southern end of the town.

8.   An AFP correspondent on Sunday saw one of these barricades, manned by young Hutus armed with machetes and at least one rifle.

9.   An AFP correspondent saw AFL and ECOMOG troops deployed Monday outside strategic buildings such as the telecommunications centre and at main road junctions in the capital.

10.   An AFP correspondent saw heavy fighting around the villages of Khaji Yurt and Tsa-Vedeno as Russian warplanes and artillery pounded the Vedeno district.

n. + see >>共 1179
people 4.87%
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witness 1.35%
viewer 1.13%
year 1.11%
correspondent 0.37%
correspondent + v. >>共 161
say 25.06%
report 20.03%
see 9.04%
be 5.43%
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observe 1.81%
visit 1.68%
witness 1.03%
travel 0.78%
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