1.   Consequently, Hunt held a camp in Chapel Hill, N.C., for the purpose of correcting any glitches.

2.   The alternative measure revises trade figures initially provided for January to correct glitches in a newly installed import registration system.

3.   The glitch was corrected in a late-night programming session, according to Scott Mager, a WealthHound.com principal.

4.   The university says only a handful of such faulty letters were mailed, and the glitch has been corrected.

5.   Researchers believe those genetic glitches can be corrected if the gene pool expands.

v. + glitch >>共 72
have 14.21%
fix 13.71%
experience 5.58%
report 5.58%
discover 3.55%
find 3.05%
cause 2.54%
correct 2.54%
bill 2.03%
iron_out 2.03%
correct + n. >>共 428
problem 25.18%
error 6.65%
mistake 6.60%
situation 3.25%
imbalance 2.62%
flaw 1.80%
deficiency 1.70%
report 1.36%
seasoning 1.26%
defect 1.26%
glitch 0.24%
每页显示:    共 5