1.   It is a poor environment for learning correct approaches to disability.

2.   The correct approach is dietary modification or, if that is satisfactory, oral agents so that there is no postprandial glycosuria.

3.   The initial Government proposal for a single accreditation system for advocates was the correct approach.

4.   This is the correct approach with a subject where the workload has always been enormous.

5.   It is the correct approach, but it is not enough.

6.   The correct approach is to listen carefully, attentively and respectfully.

7.   These coupled with transitions with a firm but quiet insistence that the horse should not pull is the correct approach.

8.   Clinton said his meeting with Murayama exemplified the correct approach to U.S.-Japan relations.

a. + approach >>共 945
new 7.58%
different 6.96%
cautious 2.08%
such 1.84%
same 1.81%
similar 1.65%
best 1.39%
aggressive 1.31%
conservative 1.10%
traditional 0.94%
correct 0.19%
correct + n. >>共 658
answer 7.50%
way 2.17%
procedure 2.08%
one 1.98%
decision 1.93%
diagnosis 1.93%
spelling 1.56%
information 1.46%
order 1.42%
response 1.32%
approach 1.04%
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