1.   Corps officials say initiation into their ranks is difficult enough without mixing men and women in boot camp.

2.   Budgets also tightened again as the Clinton administration cut federal money for flood projects within individual states, New Jersey and corps officials said.

3.   Corps officials Thursday said their plan benefits from the recent efforts of the basin association to broker an agreement among its member states on flows during drought.

4.   Corps officials cite tight budgets and the ability of local communities to fund the projects themselves to explain their action.

5.   Corps officials could not be reached for comment Thursday.

6.   Corps officials write grant requests for PLC funding for a particular work project in the national park.

7.   Last month, corps officials were elated by the prospect.

8.   Corps officials have denied any wrongdoing.

9.   Corps officials have repeatedly denied wrongdoing, saying new data -- not foul play -- caused the study to change.

10.   Last December, the Army inspector general accused three top corps officials of doctoring a case for the project, in part to please powerful agribusiness interests.

n. + official >>共 339
government 15.68%
administration 6.51%
security 5.00%
city 4.28%
police 4.19%
company 3.43%
ministry 3.37%
health 3.21%
enforcement 2.61%
school 2.27%
corps 0.02%
corps + n. >>共 64
member 15.69%
official 9.15%
commander 7.84%
spokesman 6.54%
dancer 5.23%
officer 3.92%
project 3.92%
study 3.27%
headquarters 2.61%
economist 1.31%
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