1.   Excessive reliance on corporate entities managing only the costs creates suffering and hardship for patients and their families.

2.   Finally, the divisions are grouped into the total corporate entity.

3.   Individuals and corporate entities who use inside information do so to make money.

4.   The correct position is thus that the corporate entity is a vehicle for benefiting the interests of a specified group or groups.

5.   The business is a corporate entity.

6.   Among animals, genes are passed vertically from parent to child but single-celled creatures tend to engulf each other and occasionally amalgamate into a corporate genetic entity.

7.   And that area golf courses are being taken over for huge sums of cash for various corporate entities and their pampered guests.

8.   As a single corporate entity, however, Airbus would be more responsible to shareholders and would have to compete by building cheaper airplanes.

9.   Boeing corporate spokesman Larry McCracken said there are administrative expenses in keeping McDonnell Douglas and Boeing North America as separate corporate entities.

10.   ----- As a corporate entity, the CNN News Group might be fat and happy.

a. + entity >>共 468
separate 9.59%
new 7.65%
serb 5.93%
political 3.87%
single 3.65%
corporate 3.18%
the 3.10%
palestinian 3.05%
independent 2.92%
legal 2.71%
corporate + n. >>共 752
profit 10.00%
earnings 6.10%
bond 3.07%
executive 2.32%
tax 2.06%
sponsor 1.97%
customer 1.62%
client 1.54%
culture 1.49%
headquarters 1.35%
entity 0.32%
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