1.   For example, the second coronary occlusion during the course of coronary angioplasty results in less evidence of myocardial ischaemia than the first.

2.   ReoPro is now prescribed for a relatively small number of high-risk patients who have undergone coronary angioplasty, a procedure that clears blocked arteries.

3.   ReoPro is now prescribed for high-risk patients who have undergone coronary angioplasty, a procedure that clears blocked arteries.

4.   SciMed designs and makes disposable medical products, including catheters and coronary angioplasty devices, for the treatment of cardiovascular and vascular diseases.

5.   They compared disease severity and survival among blacks and whites who later underwent bypass surgery or coronary angioplasty, a procedure that clears clogged arteries without opening the chest.

6.   His condition worsened, and doctors performed coronary angioplasty surgery on him four years later to clear an artery.

a. + angioplasty >>共 25
second 19.30%
emergency 15.79%
coronary 10.53%
first 5.26%
artery-clearing 3.51%
failed 3.51%
high-risk 3.51%
primary 3.51%
repeat 3.51%
successful 3.51%
coronary + n. >>共 54
bypass 20.00%
disease 17.14%
risk 4.76%
heart 3.81%
unit 3.81%
angiogram 3.33%
care 3.33%
angioplasty 2.86%
blockage 2.86%
problem 2.38%
每页显示:    共 6