1.   Dissolve cornstarch in lemon juice by stirring it in a small container until cornstarch dissolves.

2.   In a small bowl, dissolve the cornstarch in the kirsch.

3.   In a medium bowl, dissolve the cornstarch in the orange juice.

4.   In a small bowl, dissolve the cornstarch in the lemon juice.

5.   Stir the water and cornstarch in a small bowl until the cornstarch dissolves.

6.   Stir until cornstarch dissolves.

n. + dissolve >>共 336
sugar 17.05%
president 5.54%
government 3.13%
gelatin 2.41%
partnership 1.85%
parliament 1.56%
yeast 1.42%
marriage 1.14%
dream 0.99%
emir 0.99%
cornstarch 0.85%
cornstarch + v. >>共 9
dissolve 42.86%
blend 7.14%
have 7.14%
help 7.14%
leave 7.14%
mix 7.14%
prevent 7.14%
settle 7.14%
turn 7.14%
每页显示:    共 6