1.   Core the radicchio and slice crosswise into thin ribbons.

2.   Core the radicchio and cut crosswise into thin ribbons.

3.   Core the radicchio, then slice crosswise into narrow ribbons.

4.   Core the radicchio and slice into thin ribbons.

v. + radicchio >>共 8
core 33.33%
add 16.67%
cook 8.33%
grill 8.33%
grow 8.33%
head 8.33%
use 8.33%
wash 8.33%
core + n. >>共 24
apple 27.27%
tomato 11.36%
radicchio 9.09%
cabbage 4.55%
pear 4.55%
business 2.27%
cauliflower 2.27%
competency 2.27%
concern 2.27%
constituency 2.27%
每页显示:    共 4