1.   Core the apples and cut into quarters.

2.   Peel and core the apples and cut into quarters.

3.   ...machines for peeling and coring apples.

4.   Finely shred the carrots, cabbage and cored apples.

5.   -- Core an apple, stuff it with peanut butter and wrap in foil.

6.   I peel and core large apples, like tangy Granny Smiths, and cut them into very thick slices.

7.   I use an apple slicer, one of those contraptions that cores the apple and cuts it into a dozen perfectly even wedges at the same time.

8.   Peel and core apples.

9.   Peel and core apple, and then cut into small dice.

10.   Peel and core apples, cut in matchsticks, and add to celery root.

v. + apple >>共 168
eat 6.07%
add 5.06%
pick 4.25%
compare 2.83%
slice 2.83%
peel 2.83%
have 2.83%
core 2.43%
sell 2.02%
grow 2.02%
core + n. >>共 24
apple 27.27%
tomato 11.36%
radicchio 9.09%
cabbage 4.55%
pear 4.55%
business 2.27%
cauliflower 2.27%
competency 2.27%
concern 2.27%
constituency 2.27%
每页显示:    共 12