1.   Almost any creative work that is posted on the Web is protected by copyright, even if it has not been registered with the copyright office.

2.   Companies pay the copyright office, and it passes the fees on to the copyright owners.

3.   Companies pay the copyright office, and it passes the fees on to copyright owners.

4.   Earlier this month, the copyright office submitted a report to the Senate Judiciary Committee recommending that cable companies be required to pay fair market value royalty fees.

5.   EchoStar is asking the U.S. copyright office and Congress to straighten it out.

6.   Even without clarification from the copyright office, EchoStar said it believes it can begin offering customers local TV signals today under current law.

7.   Even without the clarification from the copyright office EchoStar predicts it can begin offering customers local TV signals today under current law.

8.   Ford sensed the potential and made a quick trip to the copyright office.

9.   He anticipates that the copyright office will help draft the legislation.

10.   Roberts said the copyright office is awaiting response from Hatch and the House Judiciary Committee.

a. + office >>共 671
public 6.30%
new 4.89%
home 3.56%
representative 2.78%
local 2.65%
political 2.40%
regional 2.14%
federal 2.09%
statewide 1.91%
presidential 1.90%
copyright 0.17%
copyright + n. >>共 164
law 21.32%
infringement 15.97%
protection 11.86%
piracy 5.99%
violation 5.75%
holder 4.46%
owner 2.52%
issue 2.29%
office 1.29%
agreement 1.00%
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