1.   And many of the songs that are traded have been authorized for copying by the copyright holders.

2.   As long as you do not publicly redistribute the music without authorization from the copyright holder, making a copy for private use is currently fine.

3.   Barry said copyright holders were often reluctant to allow new technologies to emerge.

4.   A coalition of Internet service providers and telephone companies is negotiating with copyright holders and lawmakers to try to figure out what the rules should be.

5.   Ad Hoc proposes that copyright holders be obligated to notify online service providers when they become aware that their copyright is being violated.

6.   But a copyright holder would then have to approach the university or Internet service provider and ask it to trace that information to a particular computer and its owner.

7.   But Barry simultaneously was striving to obtain licenses from record companies for a fee-based service that would make money and pay copyright holders.

8.   But in their effort to fend off digital ripoffs like Napster, copyright holders could saddle us with systems that give consumers much less freedom than we now have.

9.   But only now is the battle fully engaged between copyright holders and citizens who demand their legal right to copy.

10.   But programs now emerging make it possible to find and acquire files without reference to a central database, and thus provide no single target for aggrieved copyright holders.

a. + holder >>共 196
record 24.46%
copyright 8.19%
patent 5.60%
current 5.17%
largest 3.99%
major 2.37%
institutional 2.37%
foreign 2.26%
stock 2.16%
big 2.16%
copyright + n. >>共 164
law 21.32%
infringement 15.97%
protection 11.86%
piracy 5.99%
violation 5.75%
holder 4.46%
owner 2.52%
issue 2.29%
office 1.29%
agreement 1.00%
每页显示:    共 76