1.   Copy the files into a new folder.

2.   Double-check that the computer file was properly copied.

3.   Here you can copy files, list files in other directories and even format a floppy disk.

4.   The file could be copied to another disk if space is a problem on the current working disk.

5.   Windows now copies the file to the Briefcase and leaves the original intact on your desktop.

6.   You can rename, delete, or copy files very easily.

7.   You could copy the files onto a CD.

8.   Copy the file to your hard drive.

9.   All this seemed to add wayward job-hunting as a potential motive for copying the files, but agents were also focused on possible espionage.

10.   Back upstairs to copy the files in a different format.

v. + file >>共 433
open 4.86%
download 3.71%
have 3.22%
delete 3.02%
save 2.72%
include 2.57%
keep 2.45%
transfer 2.22%
send 1.99%
review 1.95%
copy 1.95%
copy + n. >>共 330
file 6.37%
document 2.75%
idea 2.37%
datum 2.12%
design 2.00%
software 2.00%
information 2.00%
style 1.62%
music 1.62%
program 1.37%
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