1.   Each year hundreds of Russian and American scientists and engineers from dozens of research institutes and universities take part in cooperation efforts under the agreement.

2.   Kantor also launched a year-long trade cooperation effort.

3.   On the contrary, mutual cooperation efforts are increasing.

4.   The meeting, another product of the economic cooperation effort, was designed to foster trade between local regions of the two countries.

5.   Finance ministers and central bankers issued a statement Tuesday evening that pledged to continue economic cooperation efforts that would stabilize currency markets.

6.   The Portuguese have responded by boosting cooperation efforts with Mozambique, considered to be one of the most promising economies in Africa.

7.   The three nations have already established a secretariat in Arusha to coordinate cooperation efforts.

8.   There is a need, however, to step up monitoring and cooperation efforts with countries in the region to curb forest fires elsewhere, he added.

9.   Toubon met with his Dutch counterpart Winnie Sorgdrager to discuss cooperation efforts at a meeting of European Union justice and interior ministers at this Dutch seaside resort.

10.   The United Nations plans a crackdown on terrorism by preparing the ground for a new international convention on terrorist bombings and stepping up existing global cooperation efforts.

n. + effort >>共 520
peace 14.19%
rescue 9.15%
relief 6.69%
government 4.86%
war 3.53%
mediation 2.98%
recovery 2.31%
reform 2.17%
aid 1.39%
team 1.35%
cooperation 0.09%
cooperation + n. >>共 116
agreement 46.76%
accord 13.47%
pact 3.59%
deal 3.53%
treaty 3.53%
project 3.27%
minister 2.95%
program 2.57%
plan 1.28%
talk 1.03%
effort 0.64%
每页显示:    共 10