1.   Arrange remaining berries, hull-side down, on top of cooled cake.

2.   Beat until the mixture forms a soft ball and spread on cooled cake.

3.   Drizzle it over the cooled cake.

4.   Drizzle onto cooled cake and sprinkle with the almonds.

5.   Drizzle over the cooled cake.

6.   Drizzle over the top of the cooled cake.

7.   Drizzle glaze over top of cooled cake.

8.   Drizzle over cooled cake.

9.   In this recipe, the Three Milks Mixture is poured over the cooled cake and refrigerated overnight to absorb liquid.

10.   Invert the cooled cake onto a cookie sheet turned upside-down.

a. + cake >>共 404
chocolate 16.50%
warm 2.89%
coffee 2.38%
cream 1.87%
cooled 1.79%
little 1.62%
remaining 1.62%
prepared 1.36%
white 1.36%
big 1.28%
cooled + n. >>共 80
cake 12.14%
cookie 7.51%
mixture 5.20%
air 4.05%
crust 3.47%
chocolate 3.47%
custard 2.89%
syrup 2.89%
liquid 2.31%
filling 2.31%
每页显示:    共 21