1.   Across the northern Rockies, an established southward dip in the jet stream will promote unseasonably cool conditions while patchy showers persist across western Washington.

2.   Cool conditions will continue along the Gulf coast and over the Florida peninsula.

3.   Cool growing conditions, like those in the Burgundy region of France, are best for Pinot Noir.

4.   Cool conditions will also persist throughout the Great Lakes.

5.   Cool conditions will persist over Texas with skies slowly clearing from west to east across the state.

6.   Cool conditions will persist over the Northwest, though it will be a bit milder in southern Oregon.

7.   Elsewhere, limited sunshine and cool conditions will embrace the Northwest coast.

8.   Exceptionally cool conditions for June will persist from the west slopes of the Rockies to the West Coast States.

9.   Expansive high pressure building south from central Canada will promote ample sunshine and cool conditions from the Great Lakes to the Ohio Valley.

10.   High pressure will glide across Quebec while sponsoring partial sunshine with rather cool conditions in northern New England.

a. + condition >>共 680
critical 9.97%
serious 7.74%
stable 5.91%
good 4.43%
working 3.33%
customary 3.13%
economic 3.12%
living 2.43%
poor 1.99%
medical 1.62%
cool 0.14%
cool + n. >>共 905
air 8.97%
front 6.80%
weather 5.09%
water 4.27%
temperature 3.53%
breeze 3.17%
reception 2.38%
night 2.20%
place 1.61%
morning 1.30%
condition 0.92%
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