1.   I mix the falling-off-the-bone meat with some cooked peppers, onions and diced potato to make duck hash.

2.   In a large mixing bowl, combine cooked rice and cooked peppers.

3.   The confit gains a bit of mystery with a touch of anise, which is also a wonderful counterpoint to the cooked peppers.

4.   To freeze, wrap the cooked peppers individually in plastic wrap, and put the sauce in a freezer container.

a. + pepper >>共 149
roasted 16.14%
yellow 4.61%
fresh 3.46%
chopped 3.17%
cracked 2.88%
brazilian 2.59%
stuffed 2.59%
whole 2.31%
remaining 2.02%
dried 1.73%
cooked 1.15%
cooked + n. >>共 230
pasta 7.49%
rice 6.67%
food 5.50%
meat 4.80%
chicken 4.68%
vegetable 3.28%
bean 2.34%
shrimp 2.22%
potato 1.87%
bacon 1.76%
pepper 0.47%
每页显示:    共 4