1.   I feed it on a diet of earthworms, cooked chicken, prawns and slices of raw cod.

2.   Tropicana - cooked diced chicken mixed with sour cream and fresh mango.

3.   Shredded some cooked chicken for the soup.

4.   A hot chicken take away counter offering freshly cooked drumsticks, thighs and whole cooked chickens was introduced at Merton.

5.   And Hong Kong residents, whose chicken consumption has dropped precipitously despite government advisories that eating cooked chicken is safe, are listening.

6.   And if you run out of turkey, give these creations a try during the hectic holiday season with cooked store-bought chicken.

7.   Another time add some diced cooked chicken.

8.   Arrange shrimp, olives and cooked chicken atop the rice.

9.   Attempting to starve her into submission, he pretends to find fault with a cooked chicken and hurls it at a trembling servant.

a. + chicken >>共 463
fried 12.39%
grilled 4.35%
live 4.15%
frozen 2.83%
roasted 2.83%
cooked 2.64%
whole 2.44%
barbecued 1.71%
dead 1.58%
fresh 1.32%
cooked + n. >>共 230
pasta 7.49%
rice 6.67%
food 5.50%
meat 4.80%
chicken 4.68%
vegetable 3.28%
bean 2.34%
shrimp 2.22%
potato 1.87%
bacon 1.76%
每页显示:    共 40