1.   Accompany with cooked carrot coins to wish for prosperity and good luck in the coming year, if desired.

2.   Dinner this night was a brown agglomeration the guards swear is beef stew on mashed potatoes, along with cooked carrots, bread and butter, and watermelon slices.

3.   I complained to my folks that by not allowing me to hate Phyllis, Erman, and cooked carrots, they were depriving me of my rights.

4.   Or perk up cooked carrots or sweet potatoes by adding apricot, peach or pineapple preserves before serving.

5.   Shirley Corriher, a food writer, sprinkles it on cooked carrots to give them a sweet-potato flavor.

6.   Simply cooked carrots are good spiked with spices.

7.   The following night she serves a plate of cooked carrots, mashed potatoes with brown gravy and a lump of dark meat, almost black.

8.   You can add cooked carrots and onions around the meat loaf or boiled small new red potatoes.

9.   Half a cup of cooked carrots is enough.

a. + carrot >>共 154
shredded 6.03%
grated 5.32%
sliced 4.61%
fresh 3.55%
cooked 3.19%
diced 2.13%
chopped 2.13%
raw 1.77%
biggest 1.42%
roasted 1.42%
cooked + n. >>共 230
pasta 7.49%
rice 6.67%
food 5.50%
meat 4.80%
chicken 4.68%
vegetable 3.28%
bean 2.34%
shrimp 2.22%
potato 1.87%
bacon 1.76%
carrot 1.05%
每页显示:    共 9