1.   That means Chantal could have been placed in the position of buying back product, thus converting revenue to inventory.

2.   Big foreign companies operating in the region became frightened, too, and scrambled to convert local revenues into dollars.

3.   A stronger dollar means U.S. exporters get fewer dollars when they convert overseas revenue into the U.S. currency.

4.   A weaker mark means German companies earn more from sales abroad when revenue is converted into their home currency.

5.   A weaker peso would mean higher earnings when that revenue is converted into local currency.

6.   A weaker dollar makes U.S. exports more affordable, and also means companies get more dollars when they convert foreign revenues into their home currency.

7.   A weaker Japanese currency helped profits by increasing the amount of yen Bridgestone received when it converted overseas sales revenue from other currencies.

8.   A weaker U.S. currency erodes profits when Japanese exporters convert their revenue into yen.

9.   A weaker U.S. currency erodes profits when Japanese exporters convert their revenues back into yen.

10.   Companies such as OMV and steelmaker VA Stahl AG rose amid optimism the stronger dollar will lift profit when U.S.-currency revenues are converted into schillings.

v. + revenue >>共 422
generate 10.12%
increase 7.76%
boost 6.74%
raise 6.54%
use 3.93%
share 2.83%
reduce 2.34%
lose 1.94%
earn 1.77%
collect 1.77%
convert 0.60%
convert + n. >>共 930
penalty 3.74%
proceeds 2.36%
dollar 2.33%
sale 1.52%
building 1.48%
try 1.34%
energy 1.20%
debt 1.13%
share 1.09%
sunlight 0.99%
revenue 0.85%
每页显示:    共 24