1.   Although the salary cap has become a convenient scapegoat for teams with kicking problems, the idea of paying little attention to kickers is not new.

2.   By pressuring the federal government to take a more active role, Democrats may lose their ability to point the finger at a convenient scapegoat.

3.   Did Dierker fail to get the most out of his team or is he merely a convenient scapegoat?

4.   He also said the court had become a convenient scapegoat and a shield for the board against accepting responsibility.

5.   On Sunday, the convenient scapegoats were referees Dick Bavetta, Danny Crawford, and Bennett Salvatore.

6.   Palmer has become the convenient scapegoat for a lousy front office that did not serve him well.

7.   People can say the Knicks are too predictable, and blame Ewing for every playoff failure if they want a convenient scapegoat.

8.   Sometimes that makes them convenient scapegoats.

9.   That pollsters can make convenient scapegoats for front-runners who blow elections.

10.   They live a long way from nice neighborhoods, and their par ents make convenient scapegoats for our national discontent.

a. + scapegoat >>共 47
convenient 16.19%
easy 11.43%
new 5.71%
political 4.76%
traditional 4.76%
perfect 3.81%
handy 2.86%
common 2.86%
good 2.86%
lower-ranking 2.86%
convenient + n. >>共 358
way 9.89%
place 5.63%
time 4.94%
location 4.37%
excuse 3.56%
target 3.10%
scapegoat 1.95%
mean 1.72%
access 1.26%
form 0.92%
每页显示:    共 17