1.   Karolyi and his followers wanted no controversy to mar their magic moment.

2.   Release of the Pentium III, however, has been marred by controversy over its processor serial number.

3.   The NAS effort was initially marred by controversy after the staff member coordinating the project quit to take a job with a biotech industry group.

4.   During its last two years, the Aspen races were marred by controversy over the downhill event.

5.   His brief tenure was marred by controversy.

6.   His career has also been marred by controversies.

7.   It was a disaster, marred by controversies over gays in the military, embarrassing appointments and a focus on liberal abortion policies.

8.   Maradona, whose career has been marred by controversy, faces a possible four-year prison sentence for firing an air rifle at reporters last year.

9.   The new airport has been marred by controversy.

10.   Elections on the three islands have been marred by controversy.

n. + mar >>共 197
violence 19.84%
incident 4.72%
allegation 4.23%
charge 3.74%
fraud 3.74%
irregularity 2.93%
clash 2.76%
dispute 2.76%
report 1.95%
tragedy 1.95%
controversy 1.79%
controversy + v. >>共 376
be 22.68%
erupt 3.37%
arise 3.12%
surround 3.07%
come 2.88%
begin 2.10%
dog 1.85%
continue 1.76%
have 1.66%
swirl 1.46%
mar 0.54%
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