1.   Soil temperature was not controlled in our study, and so the evidence linking temperature and root mortality is circumstantial.

2.   A thermostat controls the temperature in the building.

3.   The only means of controlling the temperature of the water in the kettle is the gas tap.

4.   Se the room thermostat at a temperature which you find comfortable and leave it on that setting, allowing the thermostat to control the temperature of the room.

5.   For example, a computer program to control the temperature of a furnace cannot be patented.

6.   Another strategy is to control temperatures in the atmosphere, where those two gases mix and create unhealthy ozone gases.

7.   Clouds help control summer temperatures.

8.   Control temperatures, too.

9.   In contrast to summer, at this time of the year the sun plays a small role in controlling the temperature.

10.   Other early pioneers included textile mill and tobacco industry engineers determined to control the temperature and humidity problems that affected their production.

v. + temperature >>共 215
raise 7.45%
lower 4.34%
take 3.99%
keep 3.90%
measure 2.93%
boost 2.66%
expect 2.57%
increase 2.39%
bring 2.22%
regulate 2.22%
control 1.60%
control + n. >>共 972
cost 2.55%
most 2.28%
access 1.67%
game 1.55%
area 1.53%
flow 1.45%
ball 1.42%
part 1.29%
inflation 1.23%
crowd 1.06%
temperature 0.15%
每页显示:    共 18