1.   Investigate environmental sources of infection and formulate effective control measures.

2.   Just as important is education and training about the hazards of hepatitis B, its prevention and control measures.

3.   Consensus was reached that treatment centres should use cohorting, together with infection control measures, and other measures inside and outside hospitals as appropriate for the individual centre.

4.   Where it is necessary to apply specific control measures, it is suggested that the flock should be annually ally treated with a suitable anthelmintic in late pregnancy.

5.   Specific control measures for Strongyloides infection are rarely called for.

6.   Lancashire introduced extra crowd control measures for the Test and the one-day international.

7.   Council officers say control measures including screening and exclusion are paying off.

8.   In the North East the commissioning of treatment plants and other pollution control measures will lead to a drop in discharges.

n. + measure >>共 887
security 25.25%
austerity 6.96%
safety 5.48%
government 3.14%
ballot 2.99%
reform 2.52%
stimulus 1.96%
conservation 1.87%
tax 1.80%
market 1.64%
control 1.40%
control + n. >>共 679
system 10.04%
room 5.68%
center 5.19%
group 5.15%
panel 2.79%
problem 2.34%
freak 2.24%
board 2.20%
measure 2.06%
treaty 1.75%
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