1.   But the Sierra Club believes too much local control could lead to endless planning, uncoordinated efforts, and low standards for results.

2.   Industry executives argue that relaxed federal controls will lead to lower prices, just as it has with airline deregulation.

3.   Ironically, tight control can also lead to problems on the other side.

4.   Or poor project control may lead to overblown expenditure.

5.   Pisit said he was concerned that the present rise in the price paid for shrimp and inefficient government controls would lead to a new round of mangrove destruction.

6.   Gold control only led to yet stronger foreign exchange controls.

7.   He worries instead that corporate control will lead to homogeneity, turning the Net into a bland wasteland much like commercial TV.

8.   In the past, price controls led to acute shortages, hoarding and black marketeering in essential commodities.

9.   Recent data showing the economy with only anemic growth and inflation well under control had led to speculation that another rate cut could be in the offing.

10.   The Belarusian economy is in shambles, and price controls have already led to long lines and shortages of many staples.

n. + lead >>共 1747
share 2.07%
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investigation 1.12%
company 0.84%
move 0.83%
road 0.79%
talk 0.70%
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control 0.07%
control + v. >>共 324
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have 3.11%
remain 2.76%
make 1.52%
come 1.23%
help 1.11%
mean 1.06%
become 1.00%
give 0.88%
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lead 0.76%
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