1.   Better understanding of animal reservoirs and vectors of infectious agents is important in anticipating and controlling emerging infections.

2.   Expanded research is needed to better understand these events and enhance our ability to predict and control these infections.

3.   Willis underwent two operations by Patzakis to repair the injury, which involved controlling the infection and transplanting bone from his pelvis.

4.   This regimen will also control infections with other intestinal parasites such as Parascaris equorum and Oxyuris equi.

5.   Regular anthelmintic treatment and good hygiene as outlined for Ancylostoma will control Uncinaria infection.

6.   And almost none have access to the drugs that have helped control the infection in richer countries.

7.   A new treatment that involves injecting tiny amounts of an antiviral drug directly into the eye appears to control an infection that blinds many AIDS patients, researchers say.

8.   But that seemed like an impossible dream, because HIV attacks the very immune cells the body would use to control the infection.

9.   In modern Europe, garlic was used to fight the Plague, keep dead bodies from stinking and control infection on the battlefields in World War I.

10.   On the third visit, they will teach you how to control future infections.

v. + infection >>共 179
prevent 15.12%
cause 11.04%
fight 7.33%
treat 7.03%
have 4.23%
develop 3.48%
spread 3.10%
avoid 2.12%
control 1.74%
get 1.51%
control + n. >>共 972
cost 2.55%
most 2.28%
access 1.67%
game 1.55%
area 1.53%
flow 1.45%
ball 1.42%
part 1.29%
inflation 1.23%
crowd 1.06%
infection 0.20%
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