1.   I felt a need to drink, to further loosen my control center, and I did.

2.   Already, they have permitted the U.S. troops to begin establishing a logistics control center at the airport in Kigali.

3.   Among them is an APEC program to link Pacific Rim disease control centers, train health officials how to monitor outbreaks of disease and plan responses.

4.   An official at the Russian space control center said Wednesday night on Russian television that there was nothing to prevent continuation of the flight.

5.   An American astronaut, Michael Foale, is aboard the Mir, and NASA officials are regularly present at the Russian mission control center outside Moscow.

6.   And a secure high-tech emergency control center of some sort might be a good idea for a big city where terrible things can happen.

7.   Anyone with a Web browser and a separate telephone can act as the control center for a conference call.

8.   As car radios have evolved into control centers for more sophisticated audio systems in the last few years, they have become increasingly complicated to use.

9.   At its control center in Columbus, Ohio, Bank One will provide movies for children, popcorn, sandwiches and soda.

10.   At the launchings, which went smoothly from Florida, he sat at the radiation control center, ready to put his team into action.

n. + center >>共 686
city 6.86%
detention 6.23%
research 3.26%
command 2.34%
distribution 2.28%
treatment 2.18%
trade 2.15%
health 1.85%
control 1.77%
rehabilitation 1.69%
control + n. >>共 679
system 10.04%
room 5.68%
center 5.19%
group 5.15%
panel 2.79%
problem 2.34%
freak 2.24%
board 2.20%
measure 2.06%
treaty 1.75%
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