1.   Asian business contributions through straw donors are only part of the picture.

2.   After Torricelli was sworn in, however, prosecutors learned that Chang had exceeded federal donation limits by making contributions through employees and lawyers.

3.   Burton said the committee wants to know if Rich or anyone connected to the pardons funneled contributions through straw donors to the foundation.

4.   But big donors can now get around the rules by funneling contributions through the national party.

5.   But to experience the power of Internet marketing at its most beneficent, try making a contribution through thehungersite.org.

6.   Clinton campaign spokesman Joe Lockhart replied that a former vice chairman of finance for the Dole campaign had admitted to laundering Republican contributions through a Hong Kong bank.

7.   Contributions through stock gifts had nearly doubled, she said.

8.   Each one made a singular contribution through his or her life.

9.   He said he will continue to accept campaign contributions through a federal political committee.

10.   It is illegal for foreign companies to contribute to American political campaigns, and it is also illegal to make contributions through a surrogate.

n. + through >>共 1504
way 5.85%
midway 2.79%
money 0.83%
march 0.60%
swing 0.60%
trip 0.59%
service 0.56%
route 0.55%
water 0.55%
walk 0.51%
contribution 0.06%
contribution + p. >>共 66
to 50.43%
from 21.96%
of 8.67%
by 3.55%
in 3.49%
for 3.08%
on 1.14%
as 0.90%
with 0.73%
at 0.59%
through 0.55%
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