1.   All government agencies must then consult the list before purchasing and contractors must certify child labor is not involved in their products.

2.   However, lead-abatement contractors certified in one state can perform inspections in another.

3.   He also required federal contractors to certify no abusive child labor went into goods they buy.

4.   Wal-Mart will now require contractors to certify they have drainage plans before starting construction.

n. + certify >>共 102
inspector 42.47%
president 5.15%
doctor 4.74%
administration 4.33%
expert 2.47%
monitor 2.47%
judge 2.27%
official 2.06%
state 1.65%
county 1.44%
contractor 0.82%
contractor + v. >>共 385
be 13.24%
say 5.26%
have 4.94%
build 1.75%
hire 1.67%
work 1.59%
do 1.52%
suggest 1.44%
pay 1.36%
use 1.28%
certify 0.32%
每页显示:    共 4