1.   Romaine, Le Page and Tabouret-Keller and others have raised serious theoretical objections to the continuum hypothesis itself, as described above.

2.   Lawton is critical of the continuum hypothesis as it applies to Jamaica.

3.   This is especially the case with some of the key notions discussed by Aczel, namely the continuum hypothesis and the axiom of choice.

n. + hypothesis >>共 62
expectation 16.38%
word 6.90%
prion 6.03%
accelerationist 3.45%
estrogen 3.45%
continuum 3.45%
efficient-market 2.59%
efficient-markets 2.59%
homocysteine 2.59%
hygiene 2.59%
continuum + n. >>共 7
mechanics 37.50%
hypothesis 25.00%
approach 12.50%
actualidad 6.25%
debate 6.25%
horizontes 6.25%
view 6.25%
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