1.   The Pluralist concern with management is, for the Structuralist, simply another means of ensuring the continued dominance of the rich.

2.   After the demise of the first national curriculum, the priority given to history in schools was dependent upon the continued dominance of the liberal academic tradition in education.

3.   Anh, a retired general from the central region, appears to be a voice for the continued dominance of the military and the party.

4.   Instead they were dealing with the Milosevic of Belgrade, who was willing to employ mass murder to assure his continued dominance of Serbia.

5.   Instead, they were dealing with the Milosevic of Belgrade, who was willing to employ mass murder to assure his continued dominance of Serbia.

6.   Three Spanish-language stations took the top places in the latest quarterly ratings, illustrating the continued dominance of Spanish programming in Los Angeles.

7.   Together with Demirel, Ecevit is often cited by Turks who complain about the continued dominance of a geriatric political elite here.

8.   Unlike the Yankees, of course, who spend lavishly to ensure their continued dominance.

9.   Yet in a haunting way, everything about this ancient town is starting to feel and look like Pebble Beach, thanks to the continued dominance of Tiger Woods.

10.   The event left no doubts about the continued dominance of the powerful Kenyan team, with all six participants in the top seven positions.

a. + dominance >>共 206
political 5.02%
american 4.44%
male 3.86%
economic 3.28%
growing 2.70%
white 2.51%
global 2.32%
continued 1.93%
overwhelming 1.74%
russian 1.74%
continued + n. >>共 1156
growth 5.29%
support 3.06%
presence 2.42%
strength 2.34%
weakness 2.09%
demand 1.59%
violence 1.52%
use 1.47%
concern 1.26%
decline 1.26%
dominance 0.15%
每页显示:    共 10