1.   It is good for children to respond to good contemporary works, written both for children and for adults.

2.   Yet these are undeniably contemporary works.

3.   Her contemporary works are energetic, vibrant in colour and convey to the viewer the simultaneous simplicity and complexity so compelling in her early horse paintings.

4.   Art advisers can be crucial, especially for collectors putting together comprehensive groups of contemporary works.

5.   Atypically for champions of early music on period instruments, Davenport encouraged his musicians to include contemporary works on programs.

6.   Again, the museum shows vintage prints from its collection with the contemporary works.

7.   All solo piano recitals are expected to be performed from memory, though exceptions are made for contemporary works.

8.   All but one of the five programs chosen for the broadcasts include contemporary works.

9.   But he still stands apart in his affection for musical comedy and for contemporary works.

10.   But Ms. Valente also has distinguished herself as a chamber music artist in repertory ranging from Baroque cantatas to contemporary works.

a. + works >>共 953
new 6.05%
good 5.49%
great 1.95%
literary 1.82%
major 1.65%
contemporary 1.46%
early 1.39%
original 1.32%
the 1.29%
charitable 1.12%
contemporary + n. >>共 942
art 12.36%
music 5.37%
artist 4.47%
life 2.63%
culture 1.92%
society 1.59%
works 1.21%
issue 1.12%
work 1.04%
writer 0.93%
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