1.   BPA estimates a rate increase of that size would often mean doubling the rates consumers pay.

2.   A decision to overturn the ruling could affect prices consumers pay for everything from gasoline to Big Macs.

3.   About half of the CPI covers prices consumers pay for services, ranging from health care to airline tickets.

4.   About half percent of the CPI covers prices consumers pay for services, ranging from health care to airline tickets.

5.   Agricultural cuts would have unpredictable ripple effects, changing the prices consumers pay for produce and reshaping the rural economy of places like this in south-central Kansas.

6.   But the practice affects what consumers pay for medicines.

7.   Dairy executives privately warned that the compact will hike the price consumers pay for milk and become a regulatory nightmare.

8.   In reality, most of the food prices are roughly on a par with what consumers pay in Miami.

9.   In this case, most of the money consumers pay for gas is going to gas-producing states such as Texas and Oklahoma.

10.   In the competitive cereal market, much of the price consumers pay is spent on promoting brands new and old.

n. + pay >>共 276
overtime 16.74%
price 3.85%
retirement 3.41%
consumer 3.41%
teacher 3.41%
vacation 2.97%
incentive 1.98%
disability 1.98%
company 1.87%
unemployment 1.54%
consumer + n. >>共 520
confidence 10.82%
group 9.14%
price 6.98%
demand 6.76%
advocate 6.33%
product 4.03%
electronics 2.39%
market 2.14%
company 1.82%
sentiment 1.34%
pay 0.23%
每页显示:    共 31