1.   As construction progresses and old buildings are refurbished, the most modern equipment and facilities are being installed.

2.   Every hour, a picture is taken from the video and posted on the company intranet, allowing thousands of employees to check construction progress regularly.

3.   From his house, Evans keeps an eye on the construction progress at his latest venture, the lodge at nearby Tower Estate.

4.   Hashim also emphasized that any decision to slow construction would be intended only to bring construction progress and financing plans into better alignment.

5.   Some contacts believe stock market volatility and increased uncertainty have affected the business environment, while heavy rainfall impeded construction progress and damaged unharvested crops.

n. + progress >>共 245
year 7.27%
season 7.27%
measure 4.46%
harvest 4.30%
day 3.31%
disease 2.98%
talk 2.48%
campaign 2.15%
career 1.98%
student 1.98%
construction 0.83%
construction + n. >>共 572
company 11.49%
worker 10.89%
site 9.42%
project 7.62%
industry 5.92%
work 4.87%
material 2.66%
crew 2.31%
firm 1.96%
equipment 1.64%
progress 0.05%
每页显示:    共 5