1.   Pieces of rugs, found in construction trash bins and church basements, were laid down to cover the gray floor.

2.   The GMC Safari van struck several parked cars, hit a construction trash bin and overturned, Philadelphia police Capt. Ted Sideras said.

3.   The GMC Safari van struck several parked cars, hit a construction trash bin and overturned, police said.

4.   The van stuck several parked cars, hit a construction trash bin and overturned, Philadelphia Police Capt. Ted Sideras said.

5.   The van struck several parked cars, hit a construction trash bin and overturned, Philadelphia police Capt. Ted Sideras said.

6.   The van struck several parked cars, hit a construction trash bin and overturned, Sideras said.

n. + bin >>共 135
trash 30.81%
garbage 12.79%
storage 8.43%
litter 3.63%
door 2.76%
compost 2.76%
grain 2.62%
luggage 1.60%
cargo 1.31%
sin 1.31%
construction 0.87%
construction + n. >>共 572
company 11.49%
worker 10.89%
site 9.42%
project 7.62%
industry 5.92%
work 4.87%
material 2.66%
crew 2.31%
firm 1.96%
equipment 1.64%
bin 0.07%
每页显示:    共 6