1.   But it argues that the constitution does not protect parental discipline that jeopardizes the health or safety of a child.

2.   The state constitution protects a home of just about any value from being taken through the courts, and certain investments are typically shielded from creditors in bankruptcy proceedings.

3.   A justice ministry spokesman, Gerald Waitz, said the constitution protects citizens from being extradited to foreign courts, the Austria Press Agency reported.

4.   He also said that the constitution protected his right to express himself in the National Assembly.

5.   He insisted the Chinese constitution protected freedom of expression.

6.   In a gesture to the powerful Roman Catholic Church, the constitution protects human life, though not explicitly from conception to natural death as the church had wanted.

7.   It said the constitution protects people who do not care about religion.

8.   Leaders said the constitution protected their right to demonstrate.

9.   Reading from notes, he insisted the Chinese constitution protected freedom of expression.

10.   The U.S. and Utah constitutions protect protests, and courts have required that places be set aside for demonstrations.

n. + protect >>共 864
law 7.53%
step 4.84%
government 3.52%
action 2.18%
police 2.11%
force 2.00%
troop 1.45%
precaution 1.21%
vaccine 1.17%
company 1.17%
constitution 0.38%
constitution + v. >>共 173
be 8.77%
allow 8.23%
give 7.33%
bar 7.16%
require 6.26%
prohibit 4.20%
say 3.76%
guarantee 3.58%
forbid 3.22%
provide 3.04%
protect 0.98%
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