1.   Leaves and small twigs in constant motion.

2.   Loose eggs will hatch if vigorous aeration keeps them in constant motion.

3.   One man said his feet and eyes were in constant motion.

4.   The constant motion of the crowds continued to stir the dust.

5.   Though the movements are gentle and slow, each part of the body is in constant motion.

6.   The molecules and ions in gases and liquids are in a state of constant motion.

7.   The particles in a liquid, like those in a gas, are in a state of constant motion.

8.   They ate their meal on the tiny porch, watching the moon rise and send out dancing streaks of light upon the constant motion of the sea.

9.   And the story, about slave smuggling and Chinese gangsters, is a flamboyant, fight-filled adventure fueled by kidding camaraderie and constant forward motion.

a. + motion >>共 592
constant 3.72%
repetitive 3.55%
forward 2.59%
circular 2.20%
pretrial 1.97%
procedural 1.92%
throwing 1.86%
similar 1.80%
such 1.80%
full 1.47%
constant + n. >>共 1171
pressure 3.14%
threat 2.79%
reminder 2.30%
stream 2.08%
companion 2.08%
contact 2.00%
presence 1.57%
fear 1.55%
attention 1.49%
pain 1.43%
motion 1.29%
每页显示:    共 66