1.   The conspicuous features are like those for general insurance companies, but more so.

2.   The most conspicuous feature of the area is the absence of large rivers.

3.   Downtown is half empty, and one of the most conspicuous features on the streets are the clusters of Central American laborers waiting for work.

4.   Its most conspicuous feature is a roof of clear glass that sweeps across the facade in a series of ascending, overlapping arcs.

5.   The most conspicuous feature of the Lever House restoration is the repair of the glass curtain wall.

6.   The most conspicuous feature of the part of the main island that we were now approaching was the World Trade Center towers looming just a few hundred feet ahead.

a. + feature >>共 1272
new 7.89%
standard 1.93%
special 1.92%
main 1.81%
regular 1.72%
common 1.69%
facial 1.65%
important 1.51%
key 1.48%
animated 1.34%
conspicuous 0.11%
conspicuous + n. >>共 200
absence 4.75%
example 4.15%
exception 4.15%
lack 2.97%
success 2.67%
consumer 2.67%
place 2.67%
absentee 1.78%
display 1.78%
sign 1.78%
feature 1.78%
每页显示:    共 6