1.   With one conspicuous exception, Ayers Rock, the desert landscape is completely flat.

2.   A conspicuous exception has been Gov. Christie Whitman of New Jersey, who opposes cuts in welfare benefits because of the damage they are likely to inflict on families.

3.   Adolescents were the conspicuous exception.

4.   But with the conspicuous exception of Provo, most dare not say so in public.

5.   Charles Goren was the only conspicuous exception to this generalization.

6.   Conspicuous exceptions were the two American luxury brands, Cadillac and Lincoln.

7.   During the decades of white minority rule, South Africa kept out most other Africans, with conspicuous exceptions like migrant miners from Lesotho and Mozambique.

8.   His mother, on the other hand, was a conspicuous exception.

9.   It was a freak show, a conspicuous exception.

10.   Rachel Barany, an educational consultant in New York, is a conspicuous exception.

a. + exception >>共 283
notable 16.05%
only 13.67%
possible 8.38%
rare 6.72%
the 4.93%
major 2.73%
lone 1.72%
glaring 1.61%
sole 1.61%
big 1.61%
conspicuous 0.83%
conspicuous + n. >>共 200
absence 4.75%
example 4.15%
exception 4.15%
lack 2.97%
success 2.67%
consumer 2.67%
place 2.67%
absentee 1.78%
display 1.78%
sign 1.78%
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